The Flower of Life is a geometric pattern consisting of overlapping circles that  form a flower-like design with six-fold symmetry. This symbol has been  found in many different cultures throughout history and is believed to hold deep spiritual significance.

Flower of Life in China

Flower of Life history

The history of the Flower of Life can be traced back to ancient  Egypt, where it is believed to have been inscribed on the walls of the  Osirion temple at Abydos. It is also found in other ancient cultures  such as in Chinese and Indian temples, and in the ruins of the Mayan  city of Palenque in Mexico. In recent times, the Flower of Life has gained popularity in the New  Age movement as a symbol of interconnectedness and spirituality. It is  often used in meditation and is said to hold powerful energy and healing  properties.


Flower of Life meaning

One interpretation of the Flower of Life is that it represents the  interconnectedness of all living things. The circles within the symbol  are said to represent the different aspects of life, such as the  physical, emotional, and spiritual realms, and the overlapping circles  symbolize the interdependence of these aspects. Another interpretation of the Flower of Life is that it represents  the creation of the universe. According to this interpretation, the  circles within the symbol represent the different stages of creation,  from the Big Bang to the formation of stars and planets, and the  overlapping circles represent the interconnectedness of all things in  the universe.

Flower of Life - Sacred Geometry

The Flower of Life has also been associated with the ancient teachings of sacred geometry,  which holds that certain geometric shapes and patterns hold deep  spiritual and mystical significance. The Flower of Life is said to be  one of the most important sacred geometric patterns, and it is believed to contain the secrets of the universe. In conclusion, the Flower of Life is a powerful symbol that has been  revered by many cultures throughout history. Whether you see it as a  representation of interconnectedness, the creation of the universe, or a  sacred geometric pattern, the Flower of Life is a beautiful and  meaningful symbol that can inspire us to connect with the deeper aspects  of ourselves and the world around us.